Join our Monthly Newsletter

In order to function, we count on community members and local businesses to fund our Anti-Bullying Campaigns and our Report The Bully system. Please help us by signing up for our free monthly e-newsletter which has deals from our local businesses that are contributing to our cause. These businesses offer great deals to you and it helps support our Anti-Bullying efforts as well.

Band Against Bullying Inc. is a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit organization focusing on humanitarian missions that improve the welfare of our community. Band Against Bullying Inc. has developed the program “Band Against Bullying” with the sole mission to reduce the rate of bullying in our communities.

In the education sector, we developed an online reporting system which helps students of all grade levels to report bullying within their school. Our reporting system “Report the Bully” allows students to confidentially report bullying within their school without the fear of stigma or retaliation. Our team manages every single report and ensures that the school administration follows through with the report. We work directly with the school staff for every incident.

Our organization acts as an advocacy in order to ensure that each incident is taken seriously, though we do not work directly with the individual making the report as we find it more helpful to work with the school administration in order to take proper action.

Make a Donation

Band Against Bullying Inc. is a Federal and State Recognized 501(c)(3) Non-Profit. Your gift is tax-deductable as allowed by law.